So, I started writing a fiction book

Photo by cottonbro studio

I started writing a fiction book. Why? Because it sounded like a fun thing to do and it’s something I can do in my free time as the creative moments hit me. Which isn’t as often as they used to be anymore. I have the story mostly fleshed out and it’s heavily inspired by The Diary of Anne Franke. It’s set in modern times and is about a 17 year old German-Jewish girl’s path to online Freedom and what she does to liberate the internet from centralized corporations and authoritarian governments.

I did not choose to make the protagonist as a German Jew for any other reason than to pay homage to the inspiration of  Anne Franke. There is no religion, sex or diversity of any kind in the book. My goal with it is to entertain the reader without pushing social agenda’s while showcasing the strength and resiliency of the human spirit.

Story Tidbits

So far I have 9 characters, a prologue and the first 3 chapters complete. The characters are:

Our protagonist is Maya aka Sara – a brilliant 17 yr old Jewish hacker and coding whiz, known only by her online alias, “Echo” who always felt like an outsider in her own world.

Her father and mother are David & Rachel. Her siblings are in elementary school and named Asher & Ava.

The Architect – creator and operator of The Safe House which is a hidden online forum inside Virtual Reality. It’s something much bigger than a simple online community. Its a movement, a collective of individuals united in their quest for digital liberation.

I also have 3 more characters I will be introducing somewhere around chapter 5. They are current members of The Safe House.

Jax, a former whistleblower who had risked everything to expose corporate corruption.

Leila, a brilliant hacker who had been persecuted by the authorities for her activism.

Marcus, a young artist who used his talents to create subversive digital art that challenged the status quo.

When will they be published? I honestly havent decided yet. But you can read the prologue and decide if it sounds interesting to you or not. You can read it here.
I’m currently considering dropping a chapter each Wednesday morning. Since I will be fleshing out the story more as I go I should be able to stay 3 – 4 weeks ahead of you all reading it.

From what I have in the first 3 chapters I think this is a good foundation for a series. Im thinking of calling it The Safe House Series with each book being from the point of view of the different characters. The same events in all of them but told from their respective point of views.

For some disclosure

I am writing this with the assistance of an open source AI desktop app called Jan. It is not writing the story for me but it is rewriting it into a grammatically correct flow and form for me. Since I talk like a truck driver I write like one as well.  In fact most of the posts on this site have been rewritten with AI to make them look and sound somewhat more professional. Most of what I’ve done with AI so far has been with the desktop app Msty, which is not open source, or OpenWebUi. I really like OpenWebUI but it requires you to manage Ollama on your own. Which means you have to maintain two apps. Ollama and OpenWebUI. Where as using Jan its all in one app. If I uninstall Jan the whole thing is gone and I dont have to chase down a bunch of configs for 2 apps.

Check out the story and let me know what you think. If it gets popular enough I might do some live streams when I’m writing it and let the audience write it. Lol. That would be interesting.




